Blackwork and the Balloon

Yes there has been a delay in my posting, I have been stuck in what can only be described as ‘craft bloggers conundrum’. I have three embroidered gifts on the go all of which are for blog subscribers, IGers or fellow Tweeters. So the blog has had slim pickings! But I do have a very small update I can share.

Exciting news first, I am now an official member of the Embroiderer’s Guild. Fist pumps yeah! I am not too sure what this means but I got paperwork, and an email and I was pretty chuffed about it. I hope they will send me information on all sorts of fun stuff and I’ll keep you posted!

My current work in progress, besides the gifts, is this little Blackwork project on white silk which I have been plugging away at for a few weeks on and off.

I am going to fill all the little squares and make it up into a purse, potentially with a neon lining and a button. This is only a little tiny project but I am really loving it. Can’t wait to see it finished.

Besides this I have also been dealing with a couple of mild concussion incidents at home with my youngest daughter learning to walk and my eldest daughter doing her best to hamper her progress. The eldest also got a scooter recently so I have spent a lot of time chasing her up and down the pavements to pre-school. Oh and I graduated up a level in pilates, chuffed about that too. I am now doing all kinds of things with a pilates hoop. My stomach muscles have never been so pert.

Back to embroidery and in the absence of not being able to post much I can show you a letter I have embroidered for one of the gifts. Well an ampersand to be precise.

sewpopby ampersand embroideered letter

This is the work I am doing for a mega hoop art, I have been unsure whether to stick to the single line of chain stitch for the lettering or go thick with lots of chain stitch right into the centre of the letters. I think I will stick with the single and reassess when the rest of the hoop is finished. It has involved plenty of DMC white floss, so much I ran two pegs worth dry. Can’t wait to finish it and be able to post it here.

My mum came to stay at the weekend, we had a lovely time chatting, strolling about and running around after the children. But it also reminded me of a mini piece I made for my mum several years ago. I had a thing for hot air balloons that year. In the same year I also made a hot air balloon mobile for my eldest daughter when I was just pregnant. So I also made an embroidered case for mum. I am not sure what she keeps in there… it is lined with dotty fabric if I recall. She sent me this photo as I didn’t have one. She’s not the best at photography but thanks mum for papping it for me! (She is however amazing at knitting, see blanket behind, she knocks up a jumper during an episode of Corrie most nights). Hmm I think maybe she keeps her glasses inside looking at this picture, that’s my guess. It is certainly that kind of size. I drew the design based on a balloon in a colouring in book I had and made up the colours as I went along based on what my mum likes. Pretty pleased with this little satin stitch project.

sewpopby hot air balloon embroidery

Right that is it for now, short and sweet. Like my daughters and pixies holding toffee apples.

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